I take responsibility for all parts of myself in CHOOSING to join Womb Ladies Qigong.
I willingly and consciously CHOOSE to partake in this coursework.
I understand that Womb Ladies Qigong is not a substitute for allopathic medical treatment or medications.
I understand that the Womb Ladies Qigong, Ceremonial Health LLC and Sarah Elena Barrios do not diagnose illnesses or injuries or prescribe medications.
I have clearance from my physician to join this coursework. (If necessary)
I understand the risks associated with Womb Ladies Qigong include, but not limited to:
Physical, emotional, and spiritual Detoxification
Emotional Release
Mental Clarity
Heightened Sensitivity for the mental, emotional and physical bodies.
“Black Sand” a superficial appearance of bruising, caused by deep rooted detoxification
A surfacing of undiscovered tender areas (on all levels, mind, body and spirit)
I understand the Importance of informing the teacher (Sarah Elena) of all medical conditions and medications I am taking (that can possibly be contraindicated for certain treatments), and to let the teacher (Sarah Elena) know about any changes to these. I understand that there may be additional unknown risks based on my physical condition.
I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my teacher (Sarah Elena) of any discomfort I may feel during the coursework so I may adjust accordingly. I release Sarah Elena Barrios, and Ceremonial Health LLC From any liability that may occur in participating with Womb Ladies Qigong.
I understand that I or the Sarah Elena, Ceremonial Health LLC may terminate my participation at any time.
I understand the context of this coursework is completely virtual and may have difficulties due to any technological errors.
I understand being a virtual course, with multiple participants, it will not be possible to have constant direct/individual attention.
I understand that I have the option to purchase additional individual sessions with Sarah Elena, for one-on-one attention.
I have been given a chance to ask questions about the Womb Ladies Qigong.
I understand that there are no refunds once the course has begun.
I agree to show up the best way I can, in whatever condition that may be, practice non-judgment and positively share a cosmic container of Womb Ladies Qigong. (Even when not feeling my best.)
I am excited to join this journey of compassionate empowerment IN Relationship with my womb.